TJ Bundy purchased land in Wabasha County, Minnesota on 8 April 1865, but he made this purchase in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. This deed uses a pre-printed form for Wabasha County, Minnesota, but was hand-altered and executed in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, and then recorded in Wabasha County, Minnesota. It was witnessed by a Justice of the Peace of Clearfield County named J.[ohn] B. Hewitt, brother of Lucinda Hewitt (Lucinda was the wife of Stephen Bundy; they were the parents of William and T.J Bundy). The seller, William D. Woodward, is noted in a Clearfield County History for having gone to Minnesota in the spring of 1864 and staying there only two months. He is then noted for having purchased 88 acres of "the current Walter D. Woodward farm" from Thomas Jefferson Bundy in spring 1865 (the same timeframe as this deed), so it would seem he and TJ Bundy traded land. W.D Woodward is shown on the 1878 map of Clearfield County as a neighbor of Stephen Bundy, from which we can conclude the W.D Woodward land is where Thomas Jefferson Bundy lived before he moved to Minnesota.
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